I've loved literature and history my entire life. As a child, I read voraciously about the American Civil War and Revolution and delved deeply into Boston history. In college, I even took the rather impractical route of majoring in history. My dream jobs\ probably would have been a historical fiction writer, a Masterpiece theater production designer for PBS, or a product developer for American Girl. But the cold hard reality is that in order to earn a decent living, I've had to become a web developer for higher ed enterprise applications. So codes, databases, and portals for me. Yes, it is strange that someone who grew up daydreaming about the past, would feel so excited about technology and gadgets. But why not? I enjoy reading about human nature and feel rather optimistic that we humans will progress to right place.
Anyway, I do enjoy my work life and my co-workers, but sometimes coding and administrative work can get a tad dry. So to reconnect with my history love, I've started this blog, which document my American Girl collecting activities.
My main goals will be to write about:
Historical Fashion, featuring unique pieces I've collected from professional seamstresses; perhaps I'll even experiment in sewing myself
Architecture, Interior Design, and Material Culture, featuring a full-scale dollhouse for 18" dolls and my quest to fill it with relatively accurate miniature historical replicas
A blog about American Girl, history, and miniature furniture, food, and fashion.
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